Subscribe your school

City or town name where your school is located. Type here city's name only, no description.

Type here a text describing your city, town, village, etc. It should be your own text, not a text copied and pasted from Internet.

Population of your home town, e.g. 1.5 million, 34,000, etc.

Type here a text describing your language institution. Here it should be information about advantages of your school, like location, teachers' skills, facilities, materials you use, your school membership and accreditation (if any).

Select from the multiple choice list all types of classes your school provides. If your school has a class type that doesn't exist in this list please mention it in the next field (COURSE DESCRIPTION) so our IT dept will add this missing entry to the list later. A school is supposed to have an Individual class and preferably at least one group class.

While describing your courses in this field you can put type of classes, especially the ones not mentioned in the field above, you are supposed to mention the minimum and maximum group size, course start dates (if specified), any special courses your school provides, like for example business language course, exam preparation course, etc. Do not put tables here. You will be able to put your course fee tables in an attached file below.

Please type here popular activities students can have after class or outside class available in your city, town or the countryside, like visiting museums, doing sports, sightseeing, etc. You can also mention if there's a resort, spa, other attractions in the neighbourhood. If there's an interesting nightlife there it's a good idea to describe it here as well.

It is normally one week. If it is longer please mention it here.

Please mention the longest course available in your institution. This can depend on the visa type your school provides in the case a visa is required or there's a limit foreigners can stay permanently in your country without residence permit or a student visa.

This is a minimum fee a student can pay to have a language course at your school. It's typically related to the minimum course duration.

Some schools charge enrollment also called admission or booking fee to be pre-paid. It can be zero or some value typically not more than 150-200 Euros. The less enrollment fee is preferable.

We also call this Course Deposit as this is a part of the course fee FLW charges the student while booking a course. This sum is a commission your school pays to FLW. It is a percentage from the course fee the student is booking. The commission range is normally between 15 and 35%. This is one of the important parameters which influence our decision to choose your language school as a FLW associate in the location.

Select from the multiple choice list the types of accommodation available for your students. If there's a type of accommodation missing in this list you have to mention it in the field below.

Put accommodation details here. It's important to mention accommodation variants not mentioned in the field above. Type here what facilities are available, if it is a home stay please mention the number of meals the student can have per day. It a good idea to mention the distance to the school and to the downtown, beach, supermarket, etc. Don't forget to put the airport transportation price here.

Put the minimum accommodation fee available per week or per day, the one which one is more budget.

School email address.

Put your school contact details. School's address, telephones, alternative emails, skype, other communication details. Names of school director, CEO, principal. Name of the person in charge of communicating with FLW. Other details you consider important to mention.